Multilingual Learners are learning more than one language, becoming proficient in multiple languages while also acquiring proficiency in the English language. SLIFE are a unique subgroup of MLs.
"Beginning with the 2023-24 school year, SLIFE are English learners (EL) who have at least two fewer years of schooling than their peers when entering school in the United States."
**States may have varying definitions and acronyms for SLIFE, so please keep that in mind as well as you are looking at what they may look like for your area.
This document provides information on students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) and some instructional suggestions when teaching SLIFE.
The Learning English for Academic Proficiency and Success (LEAPS) Act, MN (2014). 124D.59, Subdivision 2a.
WIDA (2015, May). SLIFE: Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education.
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